Sunday 5th May saw Springfit members display their talent at yet another competition. This time it was the turn of the acrobatics, with gymnasts teaming up to perform their well practiced routines.
Every competitor impressed the judges, but winners had to be chosen. The competition was split into grades of ability and competitors were marked out of 8 plus their difficulty tariff (the more difficult the routine, the higher their potential mark). Points could also be deducted for faults or missed routine elements.
Springfit competitors won an incredible number of medals. Some of the highest scores included Grade 2 pair winners Lily Murphy and Katie Vaughan, who scored an outstanding 10.90/12.00. In addition, Grade 3 trio winners Carmen Bulger, Elodie Rosenboom and Lyra Elsdon impressed everyone with a score of 10.60/12.00.
Sadly, not every competitor can walk away with a medal, but they all got a certificate of achievement for taking part. We hope that everyone had a wonderful day. Springfit were proud to have such a large number of brilliant gymnasts representing the club.
We hope to see you all at the next competition!
For full results click here.
Pictured below are happy gymnasts from the first and second half.