A monthly subscription. Automatic. 12 months a year. Simple!
A monthly subscription. Automatic. 12 months a year. Simple!
Go on... give it a try!
We always recommend starting with a Taster Class, so members can get a feel for how we do things and see if it is something they will enjoy.
The Taster Class is exactly the same as a regular class and is perfect for checking out the Springfit way of doing things. It’s also a great way for Parents and Guardians to meet the Coaching Team and ask any questions about the classes and how they work.
After the Taster Class has finished, you will receive an email inviting you to enrol into classes. You have a couple of days to think about it and set up the subscription to secure your child’s place in the class. If you have any questions about memberships or the class, you can ask the Springfit HQ Team and they will be happy to help!
Standard Membership is what all of our members automatically begin with. With this, members can participate in one class per week for a set fee each month and no additional costs.
This is an optional upgrade, available for members that provides discounts and other benefits to members on top of all of the Standard Membership features for just £35 for the first year – this comes with a Welcome Pack! This includes: a Springfit STAR gym bag, Springfit Stickers, pen, keyring, water bottle and a Complimentary wristband or leotard transfer.
The STAR Membership Upgrade only applies to the member it is purchased for. If you would like the benefits to apply to multiple members, the upgrade needs to be purchased for each individual.
Below are all of the benefits of the STAR Membership!
10% Multi-Class Discount
If a member is subscribed to more than one class per week, then they will receive 10% off of their total monthly subscription fees.
Catch-Up Classes*
No worries about missing a class through holiday, seeing friends or perhaps not being too well. With STAR Membership, members can catch up on missed classes.
Our electronic registers keep a record of any missed sessions, so once a class is missed, just get in touch with the Springfit HQ Team and they will be able to book in a catch-up for you.
The class just needs to be of the appropriate ability level – this means if someone is in Beginners’ Gymnastics, they won’t be able to catch up in an Advanced Gymnastics class, but could certainly give Trampolining a try, or get flipping excited in Parkour!
Full Terms and Conditions for Catch-Up Classes can be found at springfit.org/catchup
10% Family Discount
If a member has someone from the same household (parent/guardian, sibling etc.) also attending classes, the member with STAR Membership will receive a 10% discount on their monthly subscription fees.
10% Discount on Club Clothing and Parties
The cherry on top? For members with STAR Membership, there is also a discount on the Springfit Club Clothing and Parties!
Members can receive 10% off of T-shirts, Hoodies, Leotards and Trampoline Socks. If you have STAR Membership and want to order Club Clothing, you just need to get in touch with the Springfit HQ Team who will be able to help you with your purchase!
Check out the range of clothing at springfit.org/clothes
We also LOVE a good party, and Springfit Parties are available at 10% off for STAR Members. Check out springfit.org/parties to learn more!
Exclusively for Adults, because we know that your life and schedule can change last minute!
You can see a handy guide to the cost of our Taster Classes, Monthly subscriptions and how the STAR Membership discounts would benefit you by clicking the big green button below!
*Catch-Up Missed Classes – classes must be missed before the catch-up is booked. Classes must be booked within 2 months of missing the class, otherwise, the ability to catch-up the class will be lost. The catch-up booking must be made in advance of attending and requires at least 24 hours notice. If a catch-up class is attended before being booked, you may be charged. Any catch-up classes booked but not attended will be considered redeemed and may not be rescheduled.
Planned Closures, such as a Bank Holiday or the Festive Break, do not qualify for catch-up classes.
In order to receive the benefits of STAR Membership, you must have an active subscription. This means you will first need to enrol into class and then make the purchase of STAR Membership through the Springfit Shop.
STAR Membership stays active for 12 monthly payments from the date of purchase. If the monthly subscription is cancelled while STAR Membership is active, the upgrade will also stop.