A MASSIVE well done to everyone who took part in our Trampoline competition on Sunday 7th July 2024!
It was fantastic to see all the talent that everyone had been working EXCEPTIONALLY hard on leading up to the competition. The judges were thoroughly impressed by all routines performed across the whole day.
All competitors should be EXTRARDINARILY proud of themselves!
Have a look at all the podium winners from the weekend! 

The Marie Manhire-Clark Award!

A highlight of our Competitions is the Marie Manhire-Clark Award for Effort in Competition. This is a trophy awarded to the competitor that the judges feel put in lots of effort and showed determination during the competition.
Ava and Chloe were both awarded the trophy for the competition, so a big WELL DONE for both girls for their brilliant effort.
The competition was held at Moor House School in Oxted. We are EXTREMELY grateful to our friends at the school for letting us be there. We were amazed at the amount of cheering and support for all competitors throughout the whole competition!
From us all at Springfit, we all want to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone that took part, everyone who came to support and to all the incredible coaches that kept the day running smoothly.
Please click on the RED BUTTON below to see the full results from the competition!