Gift Voucher


Name of the person Voucher is for:

Name of the person Voucher is from:

Type of Voucher *

Postal Address

If Voucher is to be printed and posted.



The perfect gift!

Purchase a gift voucher for 4 weeks of Springfit classes for only £35.00.

Suitable for children aged 2 to adults looking for a fun way to exercise and learn new skills!

We will email the personalised voucher along with the following terms and conditions to the recipient of your choice.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. Classes must be booked in advance through Springfit Head Office, quoting the unique voucher reference number. Please get in touch by phone on 0203 478 0203 or emailing
  2. Subject to availability. It may be necessary to join a waiting list before redeeming the classes.
  3. The voucher may be used only once and is only valid for the named recipient.
  4. The voucher is for one class per week, for four consecutive weeks and cannot be redeemed as individual sessions.
  5. A space will be reserved for each of the four weeks in the same class.
  6. The class to be selected should be suitable for the recipients’ age and ability.
  7. Missed classes cannot be caught up or rearranged.
  8. Upon expiry of the voucher booking, automatic enrolment is not guaranteed. You may have to join a waiting list to continue the classes.
  9. Booking or waiting list entry must be confirmed before the expiry date specified on the voucher.
  10. Vouchers can not be exchanged for cash with Springfit.